
Common Mistake #1:
Analyzing Your Data During a Remote Viewing Session

Are you frustrated because you can’t get the target? Are you wondering what you’re doing wrong? You are not alone. For most beginners, learning the structure feels a bit strange and cumbersome at first. You may feel confused, and that is normal.

A lot of mistakes and confusion are due to preexisting belief systems—for example, new age beliefs about how a “psychic” gets information or about what remote viewing is and isn’t. You may also have beliefs about your own abilities. Identifying these beliefs can be difficult, especially if you have confused your “beliefs” with “facts.” With time and practice, beliefs can be replaced with new beliefs or facts based on more accurate information.

Learning remote viewing is a process of observing your inner thoughts and mental state, so that you can separate your personal stuff from real information about the target.

The remote viewing structure is the result of decades of work by numerous individuals who dedicated a lot of their time and money to the development of remote viewing. So, don’t try to reinvent the wheel. In Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), every part of the structure is important. Everything you do in the structure has a purpose. CRV is the most effective way of perceiving information outside the five senses. Trusting the structure will help you to overcome mistakes and confusion.

One of the most common mistakes a new viewer makes is analyzing their work while they are in session. For beginners, analysis may occur throughout the entire session, but let’s focus on a few key areas.

Dropping Physical Tension and Preconceived Notions

In a CRV session, after you document your name, location, date and time in the top right corner of the page, then you record any personal inclemencies (PI) and any advanced visuals (AV) in the top left. This step is extremely important because it gives you a place to release any tension in your body that may become a distraction during the session and any preconceived notions of what you “think” the target is. If you skip this step, you may end up in an analytical overlay (AOL) trap before you even get started.

Learning remote viewing is a process of observing your inner thoughts and mental state, so that you can separate your personal stuff from real information about the target. The more you practice remote viewing, the more you will become aware of what is going on in your mind. These first steps are extremely important to clear out the mental debris that can lead you astray in a remote viewing session.

Analyzing the Ideogram

The ideogram in Stage 1 is your autonomic nervous system’s initial contact with the target site. You will experience the information as a jolt that gets translated into a “scribble” on the page. Beginners will often search for a recognizable pattern or image within this abstract impression of the target. If you allow yourself to go down that road, your imagination will lead you into AOL. This will ruin the session—meaning, no “real” remote viewing has occurred.

Analyzing Stage 2 Data

In Stage 2, you perceive raw sensory data in the form of colors, textures, tastes, smells, sounds, temperatures and dimensions. Analysis in this stage will lead you away from the target. Sensory data often triggers the imagination to create a picture. This can happen so quickly, you will probably not even be aware of it.

It has been said that remote viewing is like walking a tightrope in your mind. The tightrope is the signal line that gets you to that place you want to go. On either side of that tightrope lurks the imagination and the analytical mind, which will derail you away from the remote viewing process.

Breaking the Analysis Habit

Analyzing your work while in session can be a difficult habit to break. Analysis is a conditioned response in an attempt to “solve the problem” or “figure out” what the target is as quickly as possible. The human mind is constantly searching for shapes and patterns that have meaning—for example, in clouds or random objects such as a piece of toast. This is an understandable human tendency. If we imagine our ancestors struggling for survival in harsh environments, the instinct to quickly identify threats would ensure their survival.

Remote viewing requires a degree of patience, and unfortunately, taking a shortcut by guessing the target generally does not work. For some people, the structure may seem like a long waste of time. I remember showing my first sessions to a friend, who commented: “There’s got to be a way to get there without doing all this!” I understood his perspective, but his lack of understanding is what prompted the response.

During a remote viewing session, information about the target will first come through in bits and pieces. That trickle of information grows larger as the viewer moves through the protocol. The remote viewing structure was created for the purpose of widening the stream of information, and to my knowledge there is no other process that produces the level of success that CRV consistently delivers when executed correctly.

Retraining yourself to receive data without analyzing it begins with observing yourself while remaining in the structure. Trust the remote viewing protocol, and resist the temptation to deviate into your imagination. Don’t strain your brain trying to figure out the target. Eventually, you will discover that it is much easier to allow the target description to evolve from the information you are gathering.


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